How to be open about your intentions for a Casual Relationship

How to be open about your intentions for a Casual Relationship

How to be open about your intentions for a Casual Relationship
June 27, 2020

Casual dates seem interesting to you and you choose not to have a serious relationship yet. You like to have some sexual variation? Of course it is also important for a casual date to be clear what your intentions are with the other person. Do you want to see where the casual date will lead you to, do you only want a sex relationship or are you already in a serious relationship? To avoid problems at a later stage of the casual relationship, it is good to be clear from the start what your intentions are. Otherwise, chances are you're going to get caught up in a serious romantic relationship somewhere in the casual relationship. 

Be honest

While a casual dating relationship is not an excursion, it doesn't have the usual limitations you'd expect from everyday relationships. That is why it is important to be frank and honest about any expectations you have for your relationship, perhaps sooner than you would in a normal situation. With casual dating you don't have to bond with the other as with normal dating. Therefore, it is better to tell your partner from the beginning what you expect from your dates. Lying gets you nowhere and can cause unnecessary torment for both parties if expectations are not met.

Set Clear Limits

Although casual dating brings flexibility where you can go out with just one person in a week or just meet new people every other week. Strictly speaking, emotions are best left at the front door and you can just enjoy each other's company without expectations. It is a relaxed way of dating rather than a serious or emotionally involved way of meeting people.
While you can try anything and everything with your date, don't forget to set limits from the start. You shouldn't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You should never pressurize your partner, of course, and you shouldn't feel like you should join in if you don't want to. Mutual respect is what matters. After all, casual dating should be much less stressful than usual going out with someone and if you are asked to do something that you are sure you don't like, just say no.

Be honest about your sexual intentions

Many people see casual dating as having a good time with someone without any obligations. This gives an incorrect picture of what really matters. However, there can be no doubt that sex can play a major role in the casual dating scene. However, unlike most relationships, talking about sex early offers more advantages than disadvantages. You need to be clear if you are interested in sex or if you just want to have a good time. If you don't have the same expectations, you can of course go out later with other people who may or may not have a sexual experience while still having fun on your date. That's the beauty of casual dating.

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